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Please be respectful at all times.  All correspondence should be professional in nature; I appreciate gentlemen who take the time to introduce themselves, write coherent and thoughtful sentences, and can demonstrate from the stroke of a keyboard that you are kind and considerate of me, even before we meet.  No lewd language will be tolerated, and messages that are explicit in nature or reference any specific services will be ignored.  Do not ask inappropriate questions, as I will have to turn down your date request. I am selective about the company that I keep.




Before meeting, I do require a simple routine screening. Along with your name & phone number, I require either: 2 recent reference friendly provider references (within the last 6 months), employment verification, or P411  with additional info. A photo of your ID may be requested as well for any of my screening methods. I don't accept agency references.



Once I have verified all your information, I will send you an email to confirm. When our date is scheduled, I will give you my phone number so that you can easily reach me. I ask that you do not share my phone number with anyone. I only check my phone line when I am expecting someone to contact me- please email me only unless it is the day of our date. Please do not randomly text me, or expect 'fun time' via text.  My time is valuable, and my schedule is tight, so please respect my private time.  On the day of our date, I will send you a text or email (whichever you prefer) to reconfirm we are still set on meeting and exchange specific details/directions.


Date Etiquette

I take great pride and care in being clean, well dressed and well groomed.  Shouldn't you? Please show up fresh and dressed to impress! I am uncomfortable discussing donations or having to ask for my gift, so please respect this wish and present your donation for my time upfront, in an unsealed envelope, upon meeting.


Please be aware of the time. If you would like to extend our time together, just ask me. If I am able to accommodate you, be ready to adjust your offering.

I am not available to spend time with you that is not compensated for. This includes having dinner or drinks. Please respect my boundaries, and don't make any requests of the sort. If you would like to share a drink or meal, I'd be happy to accompany you, when a proper date is set.


Cancellation Policy

I understand things come up, and life happens. If the event comes that you need to cancel a confirmed date with me, please give me as much notice as possible. I am a low volume gal, so appointments and scheduling are not something I take lightly.  Cancellations made within 24 hour notice of appointment require a 50% fee of the booked appointment rate. Appointments canceled with less than 12 hours notice will result in 100% of my fee.

When traveling, advanced booking with a deposit is mandatory, and not refundable if canceled within a week's time of my scheduled trip.  Flights simply cannot be changed that easily, so please respect that I go through a lot of effort to visit your area with advanced planning and financial commitments!



I take privacy and discretion very seriously.  During the screening process, I will discreetly ask for information but will not save it once you are approved.  I have multiple screening options, use a private screening service with certifications in background checks and an impeccable security system.  Let me know if you prefer to be contacted via email or text. I won't text or call you unless I have your permission.  Please respect my privacy as well, and do not overstep your boundaries.  No personal social media access will ever be asked of you or granted by me.



Gifts and tips are never expected, but always appreciated. For the gentleman that is interested in getting me something, but not sure what to get me- I appreciate the little things: 

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